The Trash Pack Fan Wiki


  • Titan Pack (One chance at a titan trash, + 12 Trashies, $20.00)
  • 12 Pack
  • 5 Pack
  • 32 Pack ( $75.00 + a discount for a five pack, and TWO chances at a titan trash.)
  • Titanic Titan Trash Pack ( $500, 4 chances at a titan trash, + 1 GURANTEED titan trash, + discount for ANY Trash Pack accessory/product, and 200 Trashies, + 1 guaranteed limited edition (Least rarest).)
  • 2 Pack
  • 1 Pack ( $5, guaranteed Rare trashie.)
  • Gamble Pack ( $100, a normal 32 pack, but instead of the titan trash, there is a 5 in 50 % chance of a Limited Edition.
  • Everything Bundle ( $5000 Everything in the entire series.)


Teams: Street Trash, Trash Toys, Extreme Rare Titan Trash, Extreme Common Teenie Trash, Bin-Sects, Bin-Monsters, Special Holiday Hassles, The Grubz, Wall Crawler Candy Crud, GID Manky Mixups, Bin-Reptiles


Haggis Stamp of Authurness

Street Trash[]

Cruddy Carpet, Foul Ball (Teenie),

Cruddy Carpet

Cruddy Carpet

Foul Ball

Foul Ball (This has been done b4)

Trash Toys[]

Trashed Trash-Can, Sundried Trashie, Grotkin, Chatterz,

Trashed TrashCan

Trashed Trash-Can

Sundried Trashie

Sundried Trashie (Can You Tell Who He Used To Be?)


Grotkin (Can you tell what he is?)



Titan Trash[]

Horrid House, Rotton Rollercoaster (Image Coming Soon), Trasholine (Image coming soon), Pukey Planet (Image Coming Soon) Looni BIN (Image and description coming soon)

Horrid House

Horrid House

Wall Crawler Candy Crud[]

Grotty Gummi, Marsh-Mallow, Twisted Twizzler, Broken Candy Heart (Holiday Hassle), Chocolate Roach, Baby Bottle Glop,

Grotty Gummi

Grotty Gummi!



Twisted Twizzler

Twisted Twizzler (His arms are curly hairs)

Broken Candy Heart

Broken Heart Candy

Baby Bottle Plop

Baby Bottle Glop Aka Baby Grottle Plop


Yucki Yeti, Festy Festr, Grimlin, Sickly Cyborg,

Yucki Yeti

Yucki Yeti

Festy Festr

Festy Festr



Sickly Cyborg

Sickly Cyborg

Manky Mixups[]

Dirty Birdy Mixup, Toxik Gew,

Dirty Birdy Mixup

Dirty Birdy

Toxik Gew

Toxik Gew


Lousy Lizard, Gag-dron (Image Coming Soon), Smeared Dragin' (Image Coming Soon)

Lousy Lizard

Lousy Lizard


  • Busy Bug Bus Stops
  • Putrid Plots
  • The Gizmo Graveyard