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Street Sweeper is an episode of The Trash Pack: Garbage Force.


Putrid Sardine is bored. He and Manglez decide to look around town for something to do. They eventually find a vehicle which is discovered to be a Street Sweeper. The force decides to take it for a spin, but before they can, they realize that it's too big to drive it through town. Loo Paper convinces Putrid Sardine  to take the risk and try it anyway. Putrid Sardine listens and ends up destroying the street and getting trapped between two buildings while trying to drive through. The Trashies that witness the accident are quite angry about it, and even threaten the force.They try to get Rotten Sandwich to trick them into coming out of the vehicle.

Cruddy Cop Car decides to send the force to Crud Court, where Brain Worm forces the... force to fix the street and clean up all the mess (kinda ironic, since it's TRASH town, but...). Putrid Sardine isn't too happy about the idea, but Manglez makes him clean up.

After doing so, Off Cheese finds Cruddy Cop Car and asks him to check the street. He messes with Putrid Sardine by telling him that the force needs to get one trashie to walk into the street. Rotten Sandwich walks in by mistake, ruining Cop Car's fun. Before the force can go, Litter Locker, the owner of the street sweeper, speaks to Putrid Sardine about having his sweeper stolen.
